As you may recall, during the 2019 Annual General Meeting, ACFO-ACAF members voted to pass a resolution to increase ACFO-ACAF union dues effective April 1, 2020, with a subsequent adjustment made annually in accordance with the Canadian consumer price index (CPI) for the previous year. 

Last week, Statistics Canada announced the CPI for the previous year was 0.7%. As result, effective April 1, 2021, ACFO-ACAF dues will be increasing from $62 per month to $62.42/month.

A CPI at 0.7% also means that the 1.5% increase in the rate of pay for FIs (now CT-FINs) negotiated for 2020 as part of their most recent collective agreement is over twice the rate of inflation.

ACFO-ACAF is proud to say that we consistently secure increases for members that are above the rate of inflation and above-pattern. In the months to come, ACFO-ACAF will begin work on negotiations for a new agreement for all CTs that will harmonize the three existing collective agreements, maintaining the best elements of each.

These changes will be made automatically by the employer and reflected on your paystub, so no action is required. However, if you have any questions about the dues increase, or if you notice any errors in your union dues on April 1, please contact