What’s wrong with the FI Classification Standard?

The current FI Classification standard is broken and has been in this state of disrepair for decades. The result is that the vital work of FIs is neither evaluated nor valued appropriately.

How is it flawed?

  • The FI Classification Standard does not reflect modern financial management activities and does not permit accurate defining of accountability specialization, or competencies as they are understood today and as currently required of specific positions to deliver sound financial management
  •  The FI Classification Standard is not in compliance with the Canadian Human Rights Act
  •  The FI Classification Standard does not support career management or development, nor does it provide a group structure that reflects financial management roles that support current client requirements

What is ACFO doing?

Since its inception in 1989, ACFO has vigorously advocated for an equitable classification system. We have:

  • Lobbied all levels of government for change
  • Raised the issue at the bargaining table
  • Challenged the employer through hundreds of classification grievances
  • Initiated pay equity litigation in a concerted effort to address this longstanding inequity

What progress is being made?

One of ACFO’s bargaining proposals at the current round of bargaining is to obtain a memorandum of agreement indicating that classification renewal will occur and binding the parties to a consultative process.

During discussions of this proposal, Treasury Board agreed to provide a timeline and commitment to consult with ACFO in writing. A copy of the letter containing those details and commitments is below.

In this letter the employer confirms that the occupational group structure of the Financial Management (FI) Group will be reviewed in Phase II of the government wide OGS review that is currently underway.  Work is expected to commence in 2012.  The employer also commits in writing to consult regularly with ACFO during the review.

While this is an important step towards classification renewal and a reason to celebrate, the Occupational Group Structure review is only the beginning of a lengthy process that will end with a renewed FI Classification Standard.  ACFO is committed to ensuring that a new FI classification standard reflects and properly values FI work.

We will continue to press forward to achieve the respect, fairness and compensation you deserve for the contribution you make to this great nation.

If you have any questions concerning classification or the OGS review please contact ACFO Labour Relations at labourrelations@acfo-acaf.com.

A copy of the Treasury Board letter