As you are probably aware, there will be anti-Global Economy demonstrations on Wednesday, June 26th, and Thursday, June 27th.

This demonstration will include marches through much of the downtown core of Ottawa, and may center on some key government building. This notice is to inform you of your rights and obligations regarding this situation.

Unless you have leave authorized or have received written notification that your workplace will be closed on these two days, you must abide by the terms of our current collective agreement and report to work as scheduled. Failure to report to work without prior authorized leave may result in disciplinary action being taken by management.

It is imperative that you avoid any situation that may result in a verbal or physical confrontation. If demonstrators are blocking access to the building, you must call your supervisor or another designated management representative and request that they provide safe passage into the workplace. It is management’s responsibility to ensure your safety.

If, for any reason, you are not receiving the proper support from your supervisor or management, you are encouraged to call the Association directly, and ask to speak with a Labour Relations Advisor, who will assist you.
