Help ACFO Update Our Membership Database

OTTAWA – The 2007 Annual General Meeting (AGM) is fast-approaching for the Association of Canadian Financial Officers.

All members will be invited to submit Resolutions and Bylaws for consideration, vote on Resolutions and Bylaws, and elect a new Vice Chair and two Directors to the Board.

In advance of the AGM, there are a number of important documents and materials we need to send you, to make sure you are completely informed and able to cast your vote. This requires our membership database to be up-to-date.

If your personal email address, home address, or contact details have changed since March 2006, we need to hear from you. Your personal email address is most important because all information and instructions will be sent electronically this year in accordance with our new electronic voting system. Voting information and instructions will NOT be emailed to your work address or sent to your home address via the post office. Please email before March 19, 2007 with the following updated information:

  • new personal email address
  • new home address
  • new contact phone numbers (personal and work)

You deserve the opportunity to vote. To make your opinion count, update your contact information today.
