The FI Community Phoenix Impact Study ACFO conducted in November confirmed our worst fears about how many FIs have been truly affected by the Phoenix debacle. Since PSPC continues to withhold tangible, up-to-date information about Phoenix’s progress and the number of cases that have emerged since July 1, we’d like to hear from you, the FI Community, about how you’ve been or continue to be affected by Phoenix-related issues by answering a 5-minute survey.

We urge all FIs to complete this survey even if you completed the survey in the fall, if your case(s) have been resolved or if you haven’t been affected by Phoenix directly. Your answers will help us evaluate progress on Phoenix issues since the fall as well as build on our current data about unresolved cases, Phoenix’s effect on workload and the overall well-being of the entire FI Community.

While the survey is completely anonymous, you may contact or call 1-877-728-0695 for assistance with the issues you’re facing. For any questions about the survey, or if you did not receive a link to the survey in your inbox, please contact Lauren Doty at