Issues processing $400 lump sum payments

As you know, all public service FIs will receive $400 lump sum payments in acknowledgement of the longer-than-average implementation timeline for the new collective agreement. We can confirm that, while the implementation of these $400 payments has begun, there have been a number of reported errors processing these payments.
ACFO-ACAF has raised this concern with Treasury Board and have been informed that there are two distinct issues. The first is that some of the $400 lump sum payments have not yet processed. We have been told that these outstanding payments will be made by the January 28, 2020 timeline specified in the collective agreement.
The second, larger issue is that, where the lump sum payments were made, a human error was made by the pay centre during the manual implementation process which resulted in additional deductions being taken on the gross payment. PSPC has plans in place to refund these deductions and ensure the deductions are analyzed by compensation advisors if needed and that corrective actions are taken.
We have been informed that all $400 lump sum payments should be implemented and all deductions and corrections should be made by January 28, 2020. Additionally, a report will be provided to impacted departments by early January 2020.
The pay centre is requesting that anyone who is experiencing an issue with their lump sum payment refrain from contacting them immediately to avoid overwhelming the system.
Under the new collective agreement, the $400 lump sum payments must be implemented correctly by January 28, 2020. If you have not received your $400 lump sum payment or if there is still an outstanding issue with that payment after January 28, we encourage you to contact us at