The Joint Career Development Program, funded through the CT Collective Agreement and jointly managed by ACFO-ACAF and the Office of the Comptroller General, continues to expand and evolve. This year, we’re pleased to announce the addition of a spring term!   

Details regarding the fall and winter terms will be posted later this spring. 

Western Tune Up (Edmonton) 

Development Day – June 25 | In-Person  
How to participate: Direct registration 
Eligibility: All ACFO-ACAF members in the Western region   
CPD hours: 5.5 

More details and links to register will be posted soon! 

Presentation skills 

Classroom-style and experiential learning | Virtual and in-person components  
How to participate: Spring term lottery 
Eligibility: All ACFO-ACAF public service members  
Number of spots: 4 
CPD hours: 5 

Want to work on your presentation skills? Eager to be part of ACFO-ACAF’s flagship development day? Four members will be selected via the Spring Lottery to take part in Spring Tune Up. The selected members will participate in a presentation skills bootcamp, then an in-person practice session in Ottawa, before delivering their 15–20-minute presentations at a special CT Community Showcase Stage at Spring Tune Up on May 23! 

  • Presentation skills bootcamp (virtual) – Early May (final date TBD based on participant availability) 
  • In-person practice session (Ottawa) – May 22 
  • 20-minute presentation on the CT Community Showcase Stage at Spring Tune Up (Ottawa) – May 23 

Apply now! 

NCR Interchange 

Experiential learning | In-person  
How to participate: Spring term lottery 
Eligibility: All ACFO-ACAF public service members living and working outside the NCR 
Number of spots: 12 

The highly-sought-after Interchange Programs are back for 2024-25!  

The NCR Interchange Program takes a group of CTs who live and work outside of the National Capital Region to Ottawa-Gatineau for a week to help them better understand the realities and challenges of working in a national headquarters or central agency.  

Members selected for this program will have all travel and accommodation expenses covered while they participate in the interchange. 

  • Monday, June 17 – Travel from home region to NCR 
  • Tuesday, June 18 – Visit a central agency for a site visit and job shadowing 
  • Wednesday, June 19 – Visit an NCR HQ office for a site visit and job shadowing 
  • Thursday, June 20 – Visit an NCR HQ office for a site visit and job shadowing   
  • Friday, June 21 – Travel from NCR to your home region 

Apply now! 

Language test preparation (pilot) 

Classroom-style learning | In-person or virtual (TBD) 
How to participate: Spring term lottery 
Eligibility: All ACFO-ACAF public service members   
Number of spots: 32 (TBC) 
CPD hours: 20  

This pilot program will offer support to members who are preparing for language testing. Selected members will first complete a language assessment then be placed in a group with others at the same level to complete prep courses later in the year.  

As this is a pilot, details will need to be confirmed, but selected participants will receive 20 hours of classroom training in a group with other participants preparing for the same level testing. Costs for the initial assessment, all materials, and the course time will be covered.  

We expect the assessments to take place in the spring with training being offered in the fall, but dates will be confirmed based on instructor availability once the assessments are complete. 

Apply now! 

JCDP lottery information 

Places in the JCDP experiential learning programs and classroom-style courses are awarded via lottery.  

  • All ACFO-ACAF public sector members are eligible to apply for JCDP programming. 
  • Simply enter your contact information, choose the programs in which you’re interested, then rank your choices when you apply. 
  • All applications are then put into a random draw. If your name is drawn, you are awarded a spot in your highest-rated choice that still has available spaces. 
  • One application per member will be accepted, with any duplicate applications removed and only the most recent application accepted. 
  • Every member has an equal chance in the lottery with the lone exception that people who have received training may be deprioritized in the draw for the current year to ensure as many people as possible benefit from this training. That being said, many members have received training in successive years – there’s no risk in applying!