Since our last update regarding the Phoenix pay system, we are aware that pay issues have continued to arise and affect the FI Community.

If you are experiencing problems with pay, your first step is to contact the Pay Centre and receive a docket number. According to the Pay Centre, requests are prioritized and their service standards are 21 to 45 days depending on the type of request. Highest priorities are new hires, return from leave without pay and terminations, followed by maternity top ups and changes to pay such as promotions and acting pay.

More information on issues regarding Phoenix, including a summary of pay issues and what the Pay Centre is doing to address them, can be found here.

If you have any unresolved issues or if you have any additional questions, please contact ACFO at or call 1-877-728-0695 and ask to speak to a Labour Relations Advisor.

We continue to press the employer to resolve any issues as best as possible and sincerely appreciate your patience and continued professionalism.