On Tuesday, June 14, the Association held a wine and cheese to celebrate Merdon Hosking’s retirement from the public service and as Chair of ACFO.

Many of Merdon’s colleagues from other unions, the public service and committees he sat on joined the Board of Directors, past directors and staff in the celebration.

Milt Isaacs, current Chair, held a speech honouring Merdon and his enourmous contribution to the Association. Al Green form the PEI Chapter also said a few words, as did Hugh Price from Federal Gov’t Dockyard Trades & Labour (West).

Ann Larocque our Office Coordinator read two letters to Merdon: One from Treasury Board President Reg Alcock, one from Prime Minister Paul Martin. He was then presented with a special retirement gift. Ever since the Association purchased new art for its boardroom at head quarters, Merdon hinted that one of the paintings was his favourite “and would make a great retirement present.” Thus Merdon got his wish.

Once again, we would like to wish Merdon all the best in his retirement.
