Benefits and allowances for NAV Canada employees are negotiated through the NAV Canada Joint Council (NCJC). In the coming months, ACFO-ACAF will be participating in the NCJC Allowances Cyclical Review, which will review the following NAV Canada Allowance Programs:

  • Travel; 
  • Relocation;
  • Isolated Post;
  • Living Accommodation Charges;
  • Commuting Assistance;
  • Bilingualism Bonus; and
  • The MOU regarding Definition of Spouse.

You can find information on the current allowances here:

We want to ensure that all our members at NAV Canada have a voice in this process and are satisfied with their allowances, so we are calling on our NAV members to submit any suggestions for improvements, additions, or changes to the current allowance programs. You can email these suggestions or any questions you may have about this process to Grant Boland, Labour Relations Advisor, at The deadline for input is January 20, 2023