Classification and Job Content Grievances


Welcome to Your Collective Agreement Explained, your plain language guide to the FI collective agreement. In this episode, we will discuss the steps involved in classification and job content grievances. Here is Labour Relations Advisor, Grant Boland.

GB: Hello, everyone. There are two conditions under which you can file a grievance with regard to your job classification: a job content grievance, where you disagree on the nature of the duties and the level of complexity of your work, and a classification grievance, where you agree on what you do, but disagree on what classification level that corresponds to.

You must be in agreement over the job content of your work description before you can file a classification grievance. If you cannot reach consensus with the employer over your work description, this dispute can be resolved through a job content grievance. Once your job content has been established, you will have an official work description that is signed and dated by both you and your manager to confirm agreement over the job content of your position.

At this point, if you disagree with the classification level assigned to your work description, you may then file a classification grievance within thirty-five calendar days of receiving the classification decision. Classification matters do not fall under the FI Collective Agreement. Instead, a classification grievance is heard by a grievance committee, which is chaired by a classification specialist and includes a departmental and Treasury Board representative. Unlike a collective agreement dispute, the grievance committee’s decision is final and binding. The grievance cannot be referred to a third party.

Classification and job content disputes are complicated issues. If you don’t think your work description accurately reflects the work you do, or if you believe your classification rating has been wrongly applied, you should contact ACFO-ACAF as soon as possible to discuss your options.

Remember that this podcast is intended for interest and information purposes only. It is not a substitute for labour relations advice from our qualified team of advisors. All situations are unique, and it is important that if you have any questions or would like clarification to give us a call. We’d be happy to assist you. Thanks for listening and have a fantastic day.