Mar 7, 2019

Update on 2018 tax slips and Phoenix

As you may know, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) has begun issuing 2018 tax slips. ACFO-ACAF anticipates that Phoenix-related […]

Announcing free Town Hall + PD lunch sessions for NCR members

ACFO-ACAF is excited to announce that we will be holding two free half-day professional development events in the National Capital […]

Networking Night – Optimizing Your PMA (March 7)

Have you ever received a PMA that didn’t align with your efforts and output in the workplace? Do you have […]

Statement: Solidarity for Whistlerblowers

ACFO-ACAF endorses the following statement from the Professional Unions Network of Canada:   The firing last week of long-serving Québec […]

Feb 4, 2019

ACFO-ACAF mourns the late Michael Ferguson

The entire ACFO-ACAF team was saddened to learn of the passing of Michael Ferguson, the Auditor General of Canada, on […]

Jan 24, 2019

Resolving your Phoenix union dues issues

Many FIs have contacted us to report an issue with their ACFO-ACAF union dues. Much like other Phoenix issues, for […]

Increase your influence and revive your career with our exclusive seminar

Increase your influence and revive your career with our exclusive seminar In our continuing effort to serve our members, as […]

Jan 16, 2019

Help shape the future of the FI Community: Survey now open

 The State of the FI Community Survey is one of the best tools ACFO has for advocating for improved […]

Dec 19, 2018

Warmest wishes for the holidays from ACFO

Looking back on the past year, one of the highlights of 2018 has been the truly unprecedented number of opportunities […]

ACFO-OCG Joint Career Development Program 2018-19: Recap and Training Recipients

For the second year of the Joint Career Development Program (JCDP) with the Office of the Comptroller General (OCG), more […]

Reminder: Best practices for dealing with a Phoenix pay issue

In recent communications on Phoenix, ACFO has voiced our concerns on threats to the integrity of government financial information and […]

Nov 28, 2018

OCG: Job opportunities plus community information and your chance for input

As many of you are aware, ACFO and the Office of the Comptroller General (OCG) often work in partnership to […]