Reflections on Labour Day

As the clock winds down on another summer and families get ready for another year of school, it can be […]

The impact of austerity at the bargaining table

According to an article in the Ottawa Citizen, the Assistant Parliamentary Budget Officer believes government departments are poised to eliminate […]

ACFO on Budget 2015: Tackle austerity through tax reform

ACFO recently submitted a brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance as part of that committee’s budget […]

Parliamentary Budget Officer reports on sick leave (plus updates on collective bargaining)

As preparations continue for the upcoming round of collective bargaining, no issue has seen greater public attention than that of […]

Disturbing news about the Trade In Services Agreement (TISA)

Public Services International (PSI), an international advocacy group with whom ACFO has been working cooperatively in recent years, raised new […]

Jun 17, 2014

Update on ACFO's pay equity case

ACFO is pleased to provide the following update regarding the Pay Equity initiative. Our pay equity case has been progressing […]

Jun 16, 2014

National Public Service Week 2014

Today marks the start of National Public Service Week, a time set aside every year for public servants to reflect on […]

Update on public service collective bargaining

First and foremost, the Collective Bargaining Committee would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the Collective […]

ACFO welcomes Auditor General's report on pensions

The latest Auditor General’s report’s section on public sector pensions comes as a welcome development, according to the Association of Canadian […]

Sick leave, short-term disability and the coming round of bargaining

It has come to our attention that Financial Officers in several departments have received communications from their deputy heads regarding […]

Statement on International Workers' Day

As many of you know, ACFO has expanded its international focus in the past year or two. Working in conjunction […]

An update from the Collective Bargaining Committee Chair

Dear Members, I am pleased to inform you that on Wednesday, April 16, your Collective Bargaining Committee held its first […]