Nov 13, 2013

Income Inequality is Hurting the Economy

History is repeating itself and we have yet to learn from it. Our society is being pulled apart. Growing income […]

Update on New Salary Implementation and Severance Cash Out

Salary Implementation November 7th 2013 marks the effective date for significant changes to our salaries resulting from the July 5, 2013 […]

Nov 6, 2013

Lest We Forget

On November 11th each year, we wear a poppy to pay tribute to Canada’s brave men and women in uniform. […]

Oct 30, 2013

Denouncing Back-Door Changes to Labour Legislation

Fellow FIs, On October 22, 2013, Bill C-4 was tabled in Parliament.  This bill proposes substantial amendments to the Public Service Labour Relations […]

FI Collective Agreement: Implementation Underway

ACFO officially signed a new FI Collective Agreement on September 30, 2013.  A copy of the agreement is now available on ACFO’s website; for […]

"Pay in Arrears" Issues Resolved

Since Treasury Board announced it would be moving to a pay in arrears systems as part of its  “pay modernization” […]

Oct 16, 2013

Throne Speech: Failing Working Families

While consumer protection measures are needed, they do not address the real challenges that Canadians are dealing with.  The challenges […]

Oct 11, 2013

PBO Report Confirms ACFO's Findings

Fellow FIs, The Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) has just released a report aimed to explain the $7.8 billion increase […]

New FI Collective Agreement Signed

The Association of Canadian Financial Officers is pleased to announce that the new FI Collective Agreement was officially signed between […]

Sep 27, 2013

Preliminary notice - 2013 Annual General Meeting

Preliminary notice of ACFO’s Twenty-Fourth Annual General Meeting (AGM) is hereby given in accordance with Article 9.13.1 of  By-law Number 1. […]

Sep 27, 2013

Pay Equity Update - Sept. 2013

Having resolved disclosure issues on Treasury Board’s part through an order from the PSLRB in November 2012, the Pay Equity Committee has […]

Official Signing of FI Collective Agreement

The Association of Canadian Financial Officers is pleased to announce that the new FI Collective Agreement will be signed on […]