ACFO President Calls for Stronger Anti-Corruption Measures at UN Conference

On Thursday June 13th, ACFO President Milt Isaacs was invited to speak at the Public Finance Control and Anti-Corruption Strategies […]

Jun 21, 2013

"Pay in Arrears" a 1.2 Billion Dollar Shell Game

As communicated two weeks ago, the government is seeking to unilaterally implement a significant change to how we are paid. […]

Jun 14, 2013

Modernizing the Public Service Disability Management Framework

Treasury Board President Tony Clement recently announced the Employers intent to overhaul the current sick leave system. ACFO welcomes this […]

Jun 10, 2013

PSI: Your Future in Public Hands

Public Services International (PSI ) demands a renewed commitment of governments towards meaningful social dialogue in the public sector and […]

Pay In Arrears: Changes to Pay Administration

In recent weeks, the Association has received a number of questions and concerns from FIs regarding Treasury Board’s rumoured plan […]

May 31, 2013

National Public Service Week 2013

National Public Service Week is an opportunity to recognize the hard work and dedication of public servants who contribute so […]

International Workers Day 2013

April 28th marks the Day of Mourning for those who have died on the job. On May 1st, we celebrated […]

Apr 30, 2013

Bill C-377: The Conservative Attack on the Freedom of Association

Liberal Senators met with seven union representatives from Quebec and one from the federal level to discuss Bill C-377. A […]

Apr 23, 2013

The Foreign Service Office and the attack on public service unions

Below are the final two paragraphs from a recent Ottawa Citizen article regarding how our colleagues at the Foreign Service […]

Apr 22, 2013

ACFO Efforts Succeed in Holding former CHRT Chair Accountable

Attached is a memo sent to ACFO from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) in regards to an Integrity Commission’s […]

WFA Update- April 2013

Now that the government has tabled its Budget and Reports on Plans and Priorities, there have been several media reports of […]

Apr 16, 2013

Supporting our Professional Colleagues at PAFSO

The Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers (PAFSO) recently voted in favour of strike action within the context of their […]