OCG: Job opportunities plus community information and your chance for input

As many of you are aware, ACFO and the Office of the Comptroller General (OCG) often work in partnership to help develop the FI Community, including by co-managing the Joint Career Development Program. The OCG resides within Treasury Board and is responsible for government-wide direction and leadership of the financial management and internal audit communities. As part of our growing partnership with the OCG, we want to make sure you are aware of some opportunities that the OCG is working on.
Firstly, the OCG is creating a prequalified pool of FI-3s and FI-4s for upcoming appointments across the public service. The deadline is November 30 so if you are interested in being part of this pool, check out the posting here: https://emploisfp-psjobs.cfp-psc.gc.ca/psrs-srfp/applicant/page1800?toggleLanguage=en&poster=1235001.
Additionally, attendees of our Spring Tune Up in Ottawa and Regional Tune Up events across the country heard about some of the OCG’s work, including the ongoing competency profile review and the new career development portal, all of which can be found via the office’s GCPedia page here: http://www.gcpedia.gc.ca/wiki/Financial_management_community. The OCG is also giving FIs the chance to have input into the competency profile review through a survey that can be found here: https://questionnaire.simplesurvey.com/f/s.aspx?s=ABB7325B-71D7-4DDB-9CED-EC7F43DCC44D&idlang=EN.
While ACFO is not directly involved in these initiatives, we think it is important that FIs understand what OCG does for the community and have their say in how their community is developed. If you have questions about any of the information above, please contact the OCG.