Jan 29, 2009

Federal budget: Government's intentions still not clear

Yesterday’s federal budget did nothing to bring clarity to the governmen’s plan to ensure the predictability of federal public sector […]

Responding to the fiscal update

A number of Financial Officers have contacted us with questions about how the federal government’s fiscal update will affect the […]

May 17, 2006

Volume 3: In pursuit of Balance

In response to a series of scandals and instances of fiscal mismanagement, successive governments have imposed new regulations and policy […]

Volume 2: Accountability and Liability under the Financial Administration Act

It is government policy that departments must exercise sound comptrollership. In 1997 the Treasury Board Secretariat established the Comptrollership Modernization Initiative […]

Sep 20, 2004

Volume 1: Rebalancing the Service and Control Features of the Government of Canada (GOC) Financial Control Framework

There are indications that the Canadian public is becoming increasingly concerned about the federal government’s seemingly poor management of taxpayers’ […]

President's Response to Auditor General's Report

FINANCIAL MANAGERS WELCOME AUDITOR GENERAL’S REPORT OTTAWA – Canada’s public service financial managers wholly concur with the findings of the […]

Apr 23, 2002

Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Board

April 10, 2002 Frank Claydon Secretary of the Treasury Board Treasury Board of Canada L’Esplanade Laurier 300 Laurier Avenue West […]

Nov 20, 2001

Policy on the Internal Disclosure of Information Concerning Wrongdoing in the Workplace

Advice to Our Members on the Implementation of the Policy on the Internal Disclosure of Information Concerning Wrongdoing in the […]