Mar 29, 2017

Survey: Measuring the ongoing impact of Phoenix

With the government’s March 22 deadline for resolving T-4 and Relevé 1 related issues come and gone and so many […]

Mar 9, 2017

Phoenix: CPA reimbursements

Public Services and Procurement Canada notified ACFO that all 2016 CPA dues reimbursements have been processed and eligible members should […]

Feb 15, 2017

Phoenix, mental health and maintaining work/life balance

The headlines surrounding Phoenix have, to this point, focused on pay problems. What has often been overlooked is the effect […]

Feb 1, 2017

Phoenix: Winter 2017 Impact Study results

The final results of the Winter 2017 FI Community Phoenix Impact Study are available for review on the ACFO website […]

ACFO in the News: President Dany Richard criticizes slow movement on Phoenix

ACFO President Dany Richard was quoted in an article in Metro Ottawa talking about the results of the latest FI […]

Jan 24, 2017

Phoenix Impact Study: Early results show little progress made

Last week, ACFO launched a FI Community Phoenix Impact Study follow-up survey to build on information gathered from the November study […]

Jan 19, 2017

Help us evaluate Phoenix’s progress

The FI Community Phoenix Impact Study ACFO conducted in November confirmed our worst fears about how many FIs have been […]

Jan 18, 2017

Phoenix: More transparency needed

ACFO continues to receive reports from the FI Community about ongoing Phoenix issues. The Phoenix debacle is not improving at […]

Dec 19, 2016

Federal government announces asbestos ban for 2018

Late last week government representatives including Science Minister Kirsty Duncan, Health Minister Jane Philpott and Minister of Public Services and […]

Dec 15, 2016

Richard: Financial officers tired of pay system “Russian roulette”

ACFO President Dany Richard was a guest on CTV’s national morning show Your Morning on December 15 to talk about ACFO’s […]

Dec 14, 2016

Clarification on Bill C-27 and your pension

A number of FIs have contacted ACFO to ask questions about Bill C-27, An Act to amend the Pension Benefits […]

Dec 9, 2016

Changes to the ACFO Board of Directors

The ACFO Board of Directors hereby informs the membership that Louise Amyot has joined the board effective immediately. Marcel Boulianne has […]