Mar 3, 2016

UITOC submission to UN Tax Committee calls for increased accountability and transparency

Recently the Unión Internacional de Trabajadores de Organismos de Control (UITOC), an international organization of financial control officers of which ACFO […]

ACFO on Budget 2016: Restoring fairness and funding a progressive platform

Last week ACFO submitted a brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee as part of that committee’s budget consultation […]

Feb 2, 2016

Bringing financial insight to Shared Services Canada

Revelations about inconsistencies in financial practices at Shared Services Canada contained in the Auditor General’s latest report are of great […]

Feb 1, 2016

Recognize our best and brightest

The nomination deadline for the Awards of Excellence in Public Sector Financial Management is quickly approaching. Presented annually by the […]

What to do if you see wrongdoing

Several months ago, you may have received a survey from ACFO regarding the disclosure of wrongdoing in the federal public […]

ACFO President reacts to fiscal update

With the news that Canada’s budget is once again in deficit, Milt Isaacs, President of the Association of Canadian Financial […]

Nov 12, 2015

Challenges getting approval to attend FMI PD Week

Once again this year, we’ve received many reports of departments not giving approval to members of the FI Community who […]

ACFO and PSI welcome support of UNI Global Union in fight for whistleblower protection standards

Following a high-level meeting in Geneva, which included a web conference presentation by ACFO’s Director of Labour Relations Scott Chamberlain, […]

Sep 24, 2015

Preliminary Notice – 2015 Annual General Meeting

Preliminary notice of ACFO’s 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) is hereby given in accordance with Article 9.13.1 of Bylaw Number […]

Sep 8, 2015

Announcing the State of the FI Community Survey

In two weeks, ACFO will be issuing our first annual State of the FI Community survey, our most important survey […]

Presidential speaking tour

ACFO President Milt Isaacs will be hitting the road this fall for a speaking tour. Mr. Isaacs has been invited […]

Aug 21, 2015

PSLREB rules CPA insurance payable by employer

The Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board recently ruled that the insurance fees payable to CPA Canada by accountants […]