Sep 20, 2016

Coming soon: The 2016 State of the FI Community Survey

On September 27, ACFO will be issuing our second annual State of the FI Community Survey. The survey will cover […]

Phoenix: Information on claims process and more

Treasury Board has provided details on how the claims process will work for public servants who have incurred expenses resulting […]

Collective Bargaining: Fall Outlook

When the change in government took place, the ACFO leadership and negotiating team approached the bargaining table with a sense […]

Phoenix: September 30 compensatory leave cash out postponed

Treasury Board has notified ACFO that, due to Phoenix-related issues, the FI Community will not be subject to the automatic […]

ACFO meets with Minister Foote to discuss Phoenix

On August 19, ACFO Director of Labour Relations Scott Chamberlain was one of three union representatives to meet with Public […]

Aug 23, 2016

Telework and your rights

Telework can be a great work/life balance option for both FIs and management. According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational […]

Update on Phoenix

Since our last update on July 13, several Phoenix developments have occurred. Firstly, it was revealed that two privacy breaches […]

Aug 4, 2016

Long-Term Disability Benefits Legal Services

ACFO is pleased to announce that the Law firm Raven, Cameron, Ballantyne & Yazbeck LLP and ACFO have entered into […]

Phoenix update – ACFO meets with PSPC and files policy grievance

On July 7, ACFO Executive Vice-President Dany Richard attended a Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC) National Labour-Management Consultation Committee […]

Phoenix chaos: Questions and answers

The challenges and frustrations with the Phoenix pay system continue to mount and we are hearing from more and more […]

Details on ACFO’s wage proposal

ACFO tabled a wage proposal of a 3.5% per annum wage increases over four to six years during the May […]

Interim measures introduced for negotiations are another step in the right direction

This morning the government announced it has introduced interim measures for public sector collective bargaining that are intended to improve […]