Public service collective agreement signed

ACFO officials and representatives from the employer met to sign the new public service collective agreement earlier today in Ottawa. […]

Apr 6, 2017

Reminder: Phoenix survey closing soon

The spring survey for the latest FI Community Phoenix Impact study will be closing very shortly. If you haven’t already, […]

ACFO Victory at the ILO

In September 2015, ACFO led the charge in drafting a complaint against the Harper Government that was filed at the […]

Update: FI Collective Agreement implementation and timelines

We have heard back from Treasury Board on the signing date for the public service FI Collective Agreement which has […]

Mar 29, 2017

Survey: Measuring the ongoing impact of Phoenix

With the government’s March 22 deadline for resolving T-4 and Relevé 1 related issues come and gone and so many […]

Mar 9, 2017

Phoenix: CPA reimbursements

Public Services and Procurement Canada notified ACFO that all 2016 CPA dues reimbursements have been processed and eligible members should […]

Feb 15, 2017

Phoenix, mental health and maintaining work/life balance

The headlines surrounding Phoenix have, to this point, focused on pay problems. What has often been overlooked is the effect […]

Feb 1, 2017

Phoenix: Winter 2017 Impact Study results

The final results of the Winter 2017 FI Community Phoenix Impact Study are available for review on the ACFO website […]

ACFO in the News: President Dany Richard criticizes slow movement on Phoenix

ACFO President Dany Richard was quoted in an article in Metro Ottawa talking about the results of the latest FI […]

Collective Agreement: Next steps

As you likely know, the FI Community in the public service overwhelmingly ratified the new collective agreement in early January. […]

Jan 24, 2017

Phoenix Impact Study: Early results show little progress made

Last week, ACFO launched a FI Community Phoenix Impact Study follow-up survey to build on information gathered from the November study […]

Jan 19, 2017

Help us evaluate Phoenix’s progress

The FI Community Phoenix Impact Study ACFO conducted in November confirmed our worst fears about how many FIs have been […]