Nov 28, 2002

Meeting with Jim Judd

MEETING WITH JIM JUDD November 28, 2002 Merdon Hosking and Greg Gauthier met with Jim Judd, Comptroller General of Canada […]

Nov 1, 2002

Email Web Site Update

EMAIL WEB SITE UPDATE November 1, 2002 The Association recently sent out a test email to our members home email […]

Oct 16, 2002

Treasury Board Arbitration Brief

Treasury Board Arbitration Brief Article Date: 2002-10-16T00:00:00

APSFA Arbitration Brief

APSFA Arbitration Brief Date: 2002-10-07T00:00:00

Sep 23, 2002

Public Service Health Care Plan - New Internet Service

PUBLIC SERVICE HEALTH CARE PLAN NEW INTERNET SERVICE September 23, 2002 Treasury Board has recently announced the launch of a […]

Jul 12, 2002

Update on the Public Service Integrity Office

UPDATE ON THE PUBLIC SERVICE INTEGRITY OFFICE   On Wednesday, July 3rd, the Public Service Integrity Officer, Dr. Edward W. Keyserlingk, LL.M., Ph.D. released […]

Jun 25, 2002

G8 Demonstration on June 26th and 27th, 2002

G8 DEMONSTRATION ON JUNE 26th AND 27th, 2002 As you are probably aware, there will be anti-Global Economy demonstrations on […]

Jun 25, 2002

Strike Action by other Groups (PAFSO)

STRIKE ACTION BY OTHER GROUPS (PAFSO) Given that members of the Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers (PAFSO) are in […]

Jun 12, 2002

Public Service Health Care Plan - Bulletin Number 12

PUBLIC SERVICE HEALTH CARE PLAN Bulletin Number 12 Members are encouraged to visit the TBS Web site to ensure they […]

Collective Bargaining 2001 - Proposals to the Employer

Collective Bargaining 2001 – Proposals to the Employer Date: 2001-11-29T00:00:00

Sep 11, 2001

Important Notice Concerning Your E-mail Account

IMPORTANT NOTICE CONCERNING YOUR E-MAIL ACCOUNT September 11, 2001 To access your e-mail account, please go to Your password […]

Aug 10, 2001

Srike Information

STRIKE INFORMATION   Strikes by Other Groups With the possibility of strike action by members of other bargaining agents becoming […]