Oct 11, 2013

PBO Report Confirms ACFO's Findings

Fellow FIs, The Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) has just released a report aimed to explain the $7.8 billion increase […]

Sep 27, 2013

Pay Equity Update - Sept. 2013

Having resolved disclosure issues on Treasury Board’s part through an order from the PSLRB in November 2012, the Pay Equity Committee has […]

Aug 29, 2013

Labour Day Message from the President

Labour Day is an opportunity for each of us to recognize our achievements as Canadian workers. Take pride in the […]

Apr 23, 2013

The Foreign Service Office and the attack on public service unions

Below are the final two paragraphs from a recent Ottawa Citizen article regarding how our colleagues at the Foreign Service […]

ACFO joins Public Service International

What we need in Canada today is not division, or hatred, or demonization and the vilification of the public service […]

Dec 13, 2012

ACFO looks to the future

As I enter my third term as President of ACFO, I am proud of how far the Association has come, […]

Dec 5, 2012

Pay Equity Update - November 2012

In follow up to the March 19, 2012 pre-hearing case conference regarding the Association’s pay equity complaint, ACFO reconvened with […]

Oct 13, 2012

ACFO's priorities for the long and short term

As President of ACFO, my responsibilities include ensuring that we are focused on our objectives, both short and long term, […]

Aug 27, 2012

Labour Day Message from the President

Labour Day is a holiday to celebrate and recognize the achievements of Canadian workers. As public service financial officers, you […]

Jun 20, 2012

ACFO Maintains Strong Fiscal Position

As some of you are aware, recent news coverage has identified that a number of federal public service unions are […]

May 15, 2012

Minimizing the impact of WFA on our members

As President of ACFO, I see the full impact of how work force adjustments (WFA) are affecting the FI Community. […]

Apr 19, 2012

Pay Equity update: disclosure issues settled

Despite an order from the Public Service Labour Relations Board (PSLRB) requiring full disclosure by Treasury Board of all ACFO’s […]