Dec 17, 2015

The best of the season to you all

As I prepare to put a very busy 2015 to bed, I find myself particularly reflective as I take stock […]

Dec 11, 2015

Thoughts on accrual based accounting, transparency and sustainability

While reading through the news a few days ago, I came across an illuminating article in Public Finance International and […]

What to do if you see wrongdoing

Several months ago, you may have received a survey from ACFO regarding the disclosure of wrongdoing in the federal public […]

Thoughts on another successful AGM

First of all, I’d like to extend my sincere appreciation to the 160 members of the FI Community that joined […]

ACFO President reacts to fiscal update

With the news that Canada’s budget is once again in deficit, Milt Isaacs, President of the Association of Canadian Financial […]

Nov 10, 2015

On rhetoric and remembrance

A year ago this week I sat down to write my annual reflection on Remembrance Day with a heavy heart […]

Oct 16, 2015

Build a better future - show up at the ballot box

As most of you already know, last summer we had the pleasure of hosting Rick Mercer at our Funding Democracy […]

Thoughts on "ballot-box issues" as the election looms

As many of you know, I recently finished up a speaking tour across eastern Canada for FMI. This tour gave me the opportunity to reflect and to gather my […]

ACFO and PSI welcome support of UNI Global Union in fight for whistleblower protection standards

Following a high-level meeting in Geneva, which included a web conference presentation by ACFO’s Director of Labour Relations Scott Chamberlain, […]

Presidential speaking tour

ACFO President Milt Isaacs will be hitting the road this fall for a speaking tour. Mr. Isaacs has been invited […]

A tale of two sectors: On corruption, labour rights and the need for a global voice

Two items in the news recently have thrown into stark relief just how uneven the playing field is for those […]

Closing down the Funding Democracy summit and looking to what comes next

“If not me, then who? If not now, then when?” With those words, ACFO President Milt Isaacs formally adjourned the […]