May 19 update regarding Phoenix pay system

Since our last update regarding the Phoenix pay system, we are aware that pay issues have continued to arise and […]

May 12, 2016

National Public Service Week, the CPA Awards and celebrating our value

In his year-end reflections a few months ago, ACFO President Milt Isaacs noted that the perception of the FI Community […]

Update regarding Phoenix pay system

As you know, many federal public servants have been affected by issues regarding the Phoenix pay system that began to […]

Apr 26, 2016

Expanding our toolbox: reflections on collaboration on International Labour Day

With the approach of May Day, I want to take a moment to reflect on the importance of the international […]

Dec 17, 2015

The best of the season to you all

As I prepare to put a very busy 2015 to bed, I find myself particularly reflective as I take stock […]

Dec 11, 2015

Thoughts on accrual based accounting, transparency and sustainability

While reading through the news a few days ago, I came across an illuminating article in Public Finance International and […]

Thoughts on another successful AGM

First of all, I’d like to extend my sincere appreciation to the 160 members of the FI Community that joined […]

Nov 10, 2015

On rhetoric and remembrance

A year ago this week I sat down to write my annual reflection on Remembrance Day with a heavy heart […]

Oct 16, 2015

Build a better future - show up at the ballot box

As most of you already know, last summer we had the pleasure of hosting Rick Mercer at our Funding Democracy […]

Thoughts on "ballot-box issues" as the election looms

As many of you know, I recently finished up a speaking tour across eastern Canada for FMI. This tour gave me the opportunity to reflect and to gather my […]

Presidential speaking tour

ACFO President Milt Isaacs will be hitting the road this fall for a speaking tour. Mr. Isaacs has been invited […]

A tale of two sectors: On corruption, labour rights and the need for a global voice

Two items in the news recently have thrown into stark relief just how uneven the playing field is for those […]