Preliminary thoughts on what to expect in collective bargaining

As most of you likely know, ACFO’s negotiating team is scheduled to head back to the bargaining table February 16 […]

NAV Canada agreement ratified; public service talks resume

The FI Community at NAV Canada has overwhelmingly voted in favour of ratifying the new collective agreement negotiated by ACFO. […]

Dec 17, 2015

The best of the season to you all

As I prepare to put a very busy 2015 to bed, I find myself particularly reflective as I take stock […]

Dec 11, 2015

Thoughts on accrual based accounting, transparency and sustainability

While reading through the news a few days ago, I came across an illuminating article in Public Finance International and […]

Thoughts on another successful AGM

First of all, I’d like to extend my sincere appreciation to the 160 members of the FI Community that joined […]

Nov 10, 2015

On rhetoric and remembrance

A year ago this week I sat down to write my annual reflection on Remembrance Day with a heavy heart […]

Collective bargaining update: Rebooting talks

With a new government in place for at least the next four years, the ACFO collective bargaining team anticipates something […]

Oct 16, 2015

Build a better future - show up at the ballot box

As most of you already know, last summer we had the pleasure of hosting Rick Mercer at our Funding Democracy […]

Thoughts on "ballot-box issues" as the election looms

As many of you know, I recently finished up a speaking tour across eastern Canada for FMI. This tour gave me the opportunity to reflect and to gather my […]

ACFO-drafted complaint filed at the ILO

An ACFO-drafted complaint has been filed on behalf of 230,000 Canadian federal public servants at the International Labour Organization (ILO) […]

Presidential speaking tour

ACFO President Milt Isaacs will be hitting the road this fall for a speaking tour. Mr. Isaacs has been invited […]

Collective Bargaining Update: Recap of session and next steps

The ACFO and Treasury Board teams met for another round of bargaining last week in Ottawa. ACFO once again brought […]