In recent weeks, the Association has received a number of questions and concerns from FIs regarding Treasury Board’s rumoured plan to convert to a pay in arrears pay administration system for federal Public Servants. ACFO shares your concerns.

The effect of this change, if it were to be implemented, would mean Public Service employees would no longer be paid in real time. Rather, you would be paid for the two previous weeks of work. Upon leaving the Public Service you would be paid the final two weeks owing to you.

In order to implement a pay in arrears system, the Employer would have to withhold employees’ pay for a two-week pay cycle. This will obviously create financial hardship for our membership.

ACFO is now hearing from TBS that this change in pay administration is scheduled to be implemented in January 2014.

To date, ACFO has not been consulted on this proposed pay administration change. As of this week, we have been advised that the Employer intends to hold meetings with bargaining agents in June to allow for meaningful consultation.

The Association will provide updates with any new information in this matter as it becomes available.
