Professional Development: JCDP applications open and 2020-21 CTC catalogue available

A quick word on COVID-19ACFO-ACAF is committed to protecting the health and safety of its members, staff and partners. We have scheduled these training events based on the best available information from relevant public health officials but we ask for patience and understanding should events have to be postponed or altered to align with evolving guidelines and timelines. |
CTC 2020-21 offerings
Through the Comptrollership Training Centre (CTC), ACFO-ACAF’s in-house professional development institute, we are pleased to offer a range of training and development options geared specifically for public sector financial management and audit professionals. Once again in 2020-21, we’re offering a mix of classroom-style small group courses, larger-scale development events and a variety of engaging and enriching programs such as our week-long interchange program and job swap and shadow opportunities.
- See the complete list of upcoming programs available through the CTC here:
Apply now: Joint Career Development Program
As part of our professional development mix, we are also pleased to announce that applications for much of the training funded by the Joint Career Development Program (JCDP) are now being accepted. The funding for the JCDP was secured as part of the FI Collective Agreement and allows ACFO-ACAF and the Office of the Comptroller General to offer free enrollment in select Comptrollership Training Centre programs.
Applications are now being accepted for the following JCDP programs:
- A five-day intensive course that provides a full circle insider’s guide to the key facets of the financial cycle offered by the uOttawa Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD).
- A two-day course on authentic leadership by Trillium Teams that helps participants discover their authentic leadership style.
- A two-day intensive course on effective communications offered directly by the Comptrollership Training Centre that helps participants become stronger and more effective communicators.
- A three-day intensive course on using Microsoft Power BI to harness automation and create data visualizations as part of your reports and add value to your work in an increasingly automated world.
- Three regional interchanges, where a group of participants from the National Capital Region (NCR) spend a week in a region, meeting fellow members of the CT Community and learning more about life in the regions.
- Two NCR interchanges, where a group of participants from across the country spend a week in the NCR, meeting fellow members of the CT Community and learning about life in central agencies and departmental headquarters.
Please note: The funding for the Joint Career Development Program comes from the FI Collective Agreement so, at this time, this application is only for CT-FIN members.
- Apply for JCDP-funded training here:
Other JCDP events and programs
Other events and programs, including the Regional Tune Up event series, data analytics conference and job shadow program, will be finalized and registration will open at a later date. You can find more information on these events and programs at