As a result of the Arbitration Award removing the continued accumulation of voluntary severance from our Collective Agreement, you will have until March 30, 2014 to inform your Department of your preferred payout option. Please note that if you fail to advise your Department of your choice of option on or before March 30, 2014, your payout will automatically be deferred until retirement or resignation.

Given that the Association does not provide financial or tax advice to our membership, we have arranged for experts on voluntary severance provisions to help our FI community understand the financial impact of these changes, help outline available options and aspects to consider in order for you to make the best decision for your individual circumstances.

A schedule of upcoming voluntary severance information sessions (about 30 min. long) in and around the National Capital Region is available here.  These presentations are in English, but presentations can also be arranged and scheduled in French. If you are interested in scheduling a group presentation either in the NCR or in the Regions, please contact

Alternatively, you can view a previously recorded presentation via WebEx in English:

If you have any questions regarding the information in these presentations, we encourage you to contact your financial advisor.

Additional information on the elimination of voluntary severance options are available on ACFO’s Collective Agreement resources page.
