The spring survey for the latest FI Community Phoenix Impact study will be closing very shortly. If you haven’t already, we urge you to take 5 minutes to complete this survey to contribute to the valuable and compelling information about Phoenix’s impact on the FI Community that will be shared with senior PSPC and government officials.

If you did not receive a link to the survey in your inbox, please contact Lauren Doty at

This version of the survey is also collecting important statistics on T4 and Relevé 1 issues that have not previously been tracked. Of the 700 responses received so far, some early statistics from the survey include:

  • 77% of respondents have experienced issues with pay or compensation (up 5% from Winter 2017);
  • Among the FIs who have experienced pay or compensation issues, 85% still have outstanding issues (down only 1%);
  • 29% of respondents reported their 2016 T4 or Relevé 1s were incorrect;
  • 58% of respondents reported their workload has increased as a result of Phoenix (up 14%); and
  • 50% of FIs have reported their mental well-being has been affected by Phoenix (up 24%).

We urge all FIs to complete this survey even if you have completed previous surveys, if your case(s) have been resolved or if you haven’t been affected by Phoenix directly. Survey responses are anonymous, but you may contact or call 1-877-728-0695 for assistance with the issues you’re facing. For any questions about the survey, please contact Lauren Doty at

Finally, if Phoenix stresses have begun to affect your quality of work or your quality of life, help is available. We encourage you to see your family doctor, contact the 24-hour Employee Assistance Program (EAP) crisis hotline at 1-800-268-7708 or contact a Labour Relations Advisor.