Request for Information from FI-01 and FI-02 Officers who were Acting on December 22, 2006

OTTAWA – The Association of Canadian Financial Officers is seeking feedback from its members to ascertain how many FI-01 and FI-02 Officers were Acting at a higher FI level or in another occupational group on December 22, 2006, the date that the new Collective Agreement for Public Service Financial Officers was signed.

While the Association successfully negotiated a one-time $300 bonus with the Treasury Board for FI-01 and FI-02 Officers, there is some confusion in the application of the bonus if members were in an Acting position, as described above, on the date of signing.

We are presently trying to determine the number of employees for whom this situation pertains. We therefore need your support and ask that FI-01 and FI-02 Officers who were Acting on December 22, 2006, contact us with the following details:

  • Your name and ACFO membership number
  • The FI Acting level you held on December 22, 2006
  • The department you worked for on December 22, 2006
  • The date your FI Acting level became effective and the date it is scheduled to terminate

Please respond by February 28, 2007. Reply to

For further information on the new Collective Agreement, please refer to Portable Document Format file publicservice-e.pdf.
