The signing of the latest public service FI Collective Agreement on April 13 set August 11 as the 120-day deadline for full implementation, including the processing of all retroactive payments (see this update for more details).

As retro pay adjustments were processed in steps, some FIs will have received partial payments over several installments and some will have received full payment at once, based on the complexity of the calculations and whether or not manual calculations were required. Please carefully check your latest pay stubs to track your retro pay and ensure you have received full payment by August 11.

If you have not received your full payment or if there were errors with your payment, please contact after August 11 so we can attempt to escalate your case. If you’ve previously contacted ACFO about retro pay issues and your matter remains outstanding, please update us on the status of your case so that we can ensure outstanding issues are processed in a timely manner.