On behalf of the staff and board of ACFO and the entire FI Community, I want to offer my condolences to the friends and family of those lost yesterday as well as all who were affected by the horrific events that took place yesterday in Toronto.

The attack occurred very close to a building where many FIs and other public servants work and the entire area is a major transit and transportation hub for many other members of our community. For those members, or for any other public service members who may be affected by this tragedy, please remember that the Employee Assistance Program is available to you. Information on the EAP, including a 24-hour crisis line, can be found here: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/occup-travail/empl/eap-pae-eng.php. NAV Canada members can contact the Ottawa Distress Centre at 613-238-3311. For additional support, you can also contact the ACFO labour relations staff at labourrelations@acfo-acaf.com.

Our hearts are with all of you in this difficult time.


Dany Richard, MBA, CPA, CMA
President and Chair of the Board of Directors