In the spirit of what the FI Community is about, your Association contributes to several charitable groups throughout the year that help support those less fortunate than ourselves.  With an aim to spread the benefit among communities where FIs live and work, ACFO has made donations to a mix of national as well as Regional organizations.

Regional charities that ACFO’s Board of Directors earmarked for support include:

  • The Kidney Foundation of Canada.
  • The School Lunch Association, a program that provides hot, nutritious lunches to primary and elementary school children in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Shallaway, which develops choral musicianship and cultural awareness in young choristers, preserves and promotes the rich folk culture of Newfoundland and Labrador, and celebrates cultural diversity across Canada and around the globe.
  • The Surrey, B.C. Food Bank.
  • The Basics for Babies program, which supports the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society in assisting families by providing young infant food, formula and diapers to those in need.
  • Iris Kirby Shelter which provides shelter for women and children fleeing abusive relationships in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
  • The Sault Area Hospital Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization which provides funds to help the Sault Area Hospital purchase new medical equipment and program needs.

Heart health has been a cause near and dear to the Association for many years.  ACFO continued to honour the legacy of former Director Rick McCallum with its yearly donation to the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

ACFO also donated to PlanCanada, an organization that works in 66 countries to give children, families and communities the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty and build sustainable solutions for improving their own lives.  Through considerable government and NGO matching, the small donation will result in over $17,500 worth of programs and benefits including water sanitation and motorcycle ambulances for communities in need.  For more information, see the PlanCanada Gifts of Hope catalogue.
