Union Dues

Union dues are monthly contributions made to ACFO-ACAF which ensure that you receive high-quality representation. We’re pleased to provide world-class services while maintaining some of the lowest union dues of all the Federal Bargaining Agents.
ACFO-ACAF has fixed union dues, meaning all members pay the same $71.90 monthly rate, since we have no locals, components, or percentage structure. Dues are collected on a bi-weekly basis automatically from your paycheque. Because of the Rand Formula, union membership is mandatory and ACFO-ACAF automatically represents all full-time indeterminate CT-FINs, CT-EAVs, CT-IAUs, and NAV CANADA FIs.
By making these contributions, you’re funding the cost of:
- Collective bargaining
- Collective agreement interpretation services from highly experienced and professional Labour Relations Advisors
- Member wages in the event of a strike
- Communication and engagement services around ensuring members are aware of what their union offers
- And much more
These services could easily escalate into the thousands of dollars should you need them—but much like an insurance policy, ACFO-ACAF has you covered. Your rights are what we ultimately strive to protect, which is made possible by your union dues.
Current dues
As of April 1st 2025: $73.18/month.
For more information click here.
- April 1st 2024 to March 31st 2025: $71.90/month
- April 1st 2023 to March 31st 2024: $69.54/month
- April 1st 2022 to March 31st 2023: $65.42/month
- April 1st 2021 to March 31st 2022: $62.42/month
- April 1st 2020 to March 31st 2021: $62/month
- Prior to April 1st 2020: $50/month
If you have any questions about your union dues, please contact info@acfo-acaf.com.