Following an unprecedented expression of interest from the FI Community, the Board of Directors has appointed the bargaining committees for the next round of negotiations. Members were chosen based on experience and to ensure a representative mix of FI levels, departments and regions.

ACFO Executive Vice-President Robert Loiselle will chair the public service committee; the NAV CANADA committee will be chaired by ACFO President Milt Isaacs. The complete membership of the committees is as follows:

Public Service Collective Bargaining Committee

Raoul Andersen FI-2 Human Resources and Skills Development Canada St. John’s
Nicole Bishop-Tempke FI-2 Health Canada Regina
Tony Bourque FI-2 Correctional Service Canada Moncton
François Fortier FI-2 Department of National Defence Montreal
Pat Grantis FI-3 Health Canada NCR
Karen Hall FI-2 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Vancouver
Rob Hawkins FI-1 Correctional Service Canada Kingston
Geedi Idiris FI-1 Public Works and Government Services Canada NCR
Milt Isaacs FI-3 Department of National Defence Halifax
Vishnu Jadoonath FI-2 Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada NCR
Robert Loiselle (Chair) FI-2 Correctional Service Canada Winnipeg
Josée Morissette FI-3 Industry Canada NCR
Michael Peters FI-3 Public Works and Government Services Canada NCR
Roy Semaan FI-1 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat NCR
Raffie Stepanian FI-2 Department of National Defence NCR
Barbara Vandernoot FI-4 Office of the Comptroller General NCR

First and Second Alternates:

Sebastien Lafond FI-2 Correctional Service Canada NCR
Leslie Siegman FI-3 Transport Canada NCR

NAV CANADA Collective Bargaining Committee

Milt Isaacs (Chair)
Ed Morrison
Keri Taber

The notice to bargain for the public service was filed on July 8. The public service committee will meet July 25 and 26 to review the draft proposals; the NAV CANADA committee will follow suit in early August. The Board of Directors thanks all the members who volunteered and those who submitted proposals. The passion and professionalism of the FI Community is readily apparent.
