As part of the actions we’re taking to fight against TBS’s amendments to the new Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace, we are asking every ACFO-ACAF member to complete the survey at the link below. It should take only 10 to 15 minutes to complete but will have a lasting impact. 

ACFO-ACAF members who are interested in completing the survey can request the link by contacting

Why your input is crucial 

This survey is essential for collecting key information about the membership’s experience and sentiment around the return to the office, specifically regarding: 

  • Demographic differences in experience (such as regional vs. NCR experiences and experiences for members of equity groups); 
  • Occupational health and safety; 
  • Workplace accommodations adherence; 
  • Commutes; 
  • Satisfaction; and 
  • Opinions on work to rule or job action. 

Even if you don’t have specific experiences or opinions to share, it’s imperative that as many CTs as possible complete the survey to ensure the statistical accuracy of the data. After a recent statistically insignificant study by Angus Reid was widely circulated presenting the narrative of a divided public service, this is our chance to make a compelling case and show a united front against the three-day mandate. 

It’s also important for us to understand in which job actions the membership would be willing to participate. We need to ensure that our limited resources at ACFO-ACAF are allocated effectively and efficiently – none of our efforts will be successful without the overwhelming support and take-up from the CT Community. 

Q&A document coming 

However, we understand that your willingness to participate in certain activities may depend on different factors or that you may still have unanswered questions following the RTO town hall held by ACFO-ACAF President Dany Richard. Therefore, we are preparing a Q&A document that will be shared with the membership in the coming days to help demystify some of the most commonly asked questions we have received. 

Take action now 

In the meantime, in addition to completing the survey, we encourage you to take the following actions if you haven’t yet: 

Your immediate action and participation in our efforts are essential. Together, we can make our voices loud and clear, and we appreciate your commitment and support towards reversing the mandate.