As we prepare to negotiate the first CT Group collective agreement on behalf of former FIs, AUs and auditors who were classified as an AS, ACFO-ACAF is looking to refresh our members’ contact and demographic information in our membership database. This will help significantly with making sure:

  • We stay in touch with our members and can continue to send you important information related to collective bargaining;
  • Our key membership demographics are updated for use in collective bargaining; and
  • We’re enabled to serve you the best we can as your union.

Therefore, all members who either complete or update their membership profile on the my.ACFO-ACAF portal by August 19, 2022 can opt in to receive a free member package. There are no shipping fees and it will be sent to your home address in the early fall. You are still eligible to receive a package even if you received one as part of last year’s mailout campaign.

This year’s member package includes a tile tracker and other goodies.

If you’ve already registered for the portal

If you’ve already registered for the my.ACFO-ACAF portal, to claim your free package, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the my.ACFO-ACAF portal and log in to your profile.
  2. Click Make Changes > Update My Information.
  3. Double-check that all the information in your profile is accurate and complete, especially your home mailing address, as this is where your member package will be sent.
  4. In the last section, Member Package, under ‘Send me my package’, ensure Yes is selected.
  5. Click Submit.

If you haven’t registered for the portal

To create your account, please follow these instructions:

  1. Visit
  2. Click SIGN UP NOW.
  3. Enter your ACFO-ACAF member number (contact to retrieve your member number)
  4. Enter your first and last name.
  5. Enter your home email address.
  6. Choose a password and your language of preference.
  7. Click REGISTER.
    1. You might receive the following error message when you click REGISTER: “You must be an active member in order to use this site. Please contact our membership department.” This is because you are not actively paying union dues to ACFO-ACAF and are therefore listed as inactive member in our database. In this case, please contact with details of when you should have started paying union dues to ACFO-ACAF.
  8. You will receive a confirmation email shortly thereafter from, where you must click the link in the email to activate your account. It may take some time before you receive the email.
    1. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your spam box. If the email is not in your spam box, please contact
  9. Log in to your account and complete your profile under Make Changes > Update My Information.
  10. Visit Make Changes > Update Email if you wish to update your primary email address or your mailing list preferences.
  11. Double-check that all the information in your profile is accurate and complete, especially your home mailing address, as this is where your member package will be sent. 
  12. In the last section, Member Package, under ‘Send me my package’, select Yes. 
  13. Click Submit.

For any questions about the portal or registering, please contact

If you have any questions about the member package or are having trouble registering for the member portal, please contact