As snow finally blankets much of our country and as operations wind down for the holiday lull, I want to take a few minutes to extend my warmest wishes and best tidings to you and your families.

This time of year is always one of reflection for me. We celebrated 25 years as an association this year and perhaps the most poignant reminder of just how far we’ve come came as we gathered together for the largest-ever gathering of FIs in our history at this year’s annual Spring Tune Up event in May. The FI Community is an increasingly diverse community but the threads of commonality that unite us – professionalism, pride in our craft and commitment to serving Canadians – transcend differences in age, race, culture and gender.

I’m proud to serve this group and as I reflect on the past 12 months I am proud to say that we’ve never been more united, more cohesive or more engaged.

The next 12 months won’t be without their challenges. But I am confident that we will remain united and supportive of one another. The FI Community has established a reputation as being a small group with big influence and that is a direct result of the professionalism and integrity of each and every one of you.

So as I get set to step back a bit, spend time with my family and reflect on my many blessings, I want to thank you for the opportunity to be your president. No matter how you choose to spend your holidays, whether enjoying time with family and friends or simply revelling in quiet solitude, I extend to you my best. May the season be joyous and may the next year bring you all that you desire.

Happy holidays to you all,

Milt Isaacs, CPA, CMA, CPFA
President, Association of Canadian Financial Officers