The 2013 Budget was released by the Government yesterday and as always, ACFO has an eye to how this budget will impact our membership as well as Canadian taxpayers. The Association is concerned with the lack of details presented throughout the budget.

A copy of the Budget-in-Brief is available here:download pdf

Budget highlights directly pertinent to FIs include the Government’s intent to conduct a targeted review of operations at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and the planned amalgamation of CIDA into the Department of Foreign Affairs. While it’s still too early to assess the impact this will have on our members, ACFO will be monitoring these proceedings closely to protect the interest of the FI Community.

While the budget calls for greater job creation and matching, we know job creation is about quality as much as quantity. Canadians need jobs that create healthier and more prosperous communities;  jobs that are stable, allow for quality of life and a reasonable retirement, and do not threaten the physical and mental health of the worker. In recent years the Canadian manufacturing sector has provided a stark example of the extent to which entire communities and industries are affected when the government does not enforce standards of good corporate citizenship.

As the Government implements this budget, it will need to make difficult choices to address the needs of public servants, Canadian taxpayers, and business interests. To successfully balance these interests, FIs will be called upon to ensure good stewardship of taxpayer dollars. In this tough economic climate, trained, qualified finance professionals are a valuable resource to assist the government in effective decision-making.

Canada’s financial framework is held in high regard across the world, due in no small part to the dedication of finance professionals who ensure accountability and transparency of the public purse. ACFO will continue to advocate for investment in the financial officers who make up the backbone of the federal public service’s financial control framework.

Milt Isaacs, CMA, CPFA
President, Association of Canadian Financial Officers
