As the government forges ahead with its public service renewal agenda, skilled oversight by a professional, motivated team of financial managers is fundamental to ensuring Canadians benefit from the choices that are ultimately made.

Public service renewal needs to be about more than saving dollars or just maintaining the services we enjoy as citizens.  When the dust of this difficult exercise has settled, the public service needs to be stronger and better positioned to serve Canadians.   The sound strategy and innovation the FI Community can contribute is essential to achieving this goal.

As an FI you play a critical role in assessing risk and finding creative opportunities in the implementation of this transformation.  Without this dedicated and skilled community, meaningful renewal is not possible.

Over the course of the past year there have been a significant number of job reductions in the public service.  The FI group, however, has not experienced an above-average number of workforce adjustments.

Although this trend is likely to continue on account of the important role FIs play during times of austerity, the Association anticipates a modest increase in the number of workforce adjustments impacting the FI group due to the significant transformation and realignment of the public service.

The workforce adjustment process can be daunting.  ACFO is ready to help.  In order to assist members with navigating the procedure and to maximize opportunities for transitioning to a new position ACFO has adapted a WFA Guide and WFA Frequently Asked Questions of the WFA process for your use.

Additionally, ACFO’s Labour Relations team is ready to support members who may be impacted.  If you need our support, have questions or would like more information, please contact ACFO Labour Relations at 613-728-0695.
